Smarter storefronts start here
Predictive AI and automation that powers your ecommerce experience - from first click to customer
Imagine knowing exactly what your shoppers want before they do. That’s what happens when smart predictions and automation meet your data. One-click activates personalized storefronts, perfectly timed messages, and top performing ad funnels to make every interaction uniquely powerful
The smartest brands on Shopify use Black Crow
The smartest brands on
Shopify use Black Crow to


Value Customers

Marketing Channel
We build an AI model specifically for your brand and your buyers
You own your data. We help you get the most out of it. We’ll never throw your data into a pool (or worse, sell it)
Unique AI model for your brand and your buyers
Your data is ingested, aggregated, and standardized from your ecommerce tech stack
ID graph keeps your lifecycle intact in a post-cookie world
Continuous improvement and optimization (without adding any work to your plate)

High-impact features for e-commerce growth
The power behind Black Crow AI
Black Crow AI empowers your business by consolidating, predicting, and automating marketing actions through a centralized platform. With seamless one-click integration, Black Crow unifies your customer journey by aggregating data from Shopify, Email, and SMS into a single view. Our identity layer ensures persistent shopper profiles even in a post-cookie world, while predictive modeling uses AI to engage the right buyers at the right time, enhancing conversions and customer retention across multiple channels.

Maintain a persistent view of your shopper, without browser restrictions
Black Crow's identity layer uses privacy-friendly, first-party cookies to maintain consistent shopper profiles across different browsers and sessions, enabling better email and SMS marketing through enhanced subscriber lists and automated welcome, abandonment, and replenishment flows.

Scale email and SMS subscriber lists and identify returning visitors
Individualize the timing of your welcome pop-up to boost subscribers and grow lifecycle revenue. Recognize 100% of returning site visitors and trigger personalized abandonment and replenishment flows.

Trigger timely repurchase reminders to drive repeat revenue
Automatically identify customers who need a nudge to repurchase and trigger personalized cross-sell, replenishment, and subscription series - all precisely timed to drive conversions.

Send shoppers to a branded storefront with personalized recommendations
Boost conversions with custom storefronts personalized to every shopper. Showcase the products they are most likely to buy, along with recommended add-ons and subscription opportunities.

Consolidate your data for next-level insights on channel performance
Gain actionable insights for continuous optimization and growth, enabling data-driven decisions and a holistic view of marketing performance. Understand the customer’s path to purchase with transparent tracking and attribution.

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